Part 1 真题单词
[A] otherwise [B] defensible站得住脚的 [C] replaceable [D] exceptional
[A] jump [B] float [C] fluctuate 波动[D] drop
[A] responses [B] associations [C] workouts锻炼训练 [D] roundabouts绕道的迂回的
[A] habitually习惯地 [B] constantly [C] irregularly [D] unusually
[A] resemble 类似,像[B] influence [C] favor [D] surpass胜过,优于
[A] endeavor尽力,努力 [B] decision [C] arrangement [D] tendency
[A] folding [B] piling 打桩[C] wrapping包装 [D] tying
[A] counterparts相当的人,副件 [B] substitutes 替代品[C] colleagues [D] supporters
[A] In contrast [B] As a result [C] On the whole总的来说[ [D] For instance
[A] betrayed [B] wronged愿望,受委屈 [C] fooled [D] mocked嘲笑,欺骗
[A] intensified 强化 [B] privileged [C] compelled 强迫 [D] guaranteed
[A] As usual [B] In particular [C] By definition [D] After all毕竟
[A] reluctantly 不情愿地,勉强地 [B] entirely [C] gradually [D] carefully
[A] ran out [B] set off [C] drew in拉入 [D] went by
catered 满足
exaggerate 使)扩大, (使)增加
author attitude
[A]soothing.抚慰,安慰[B]ambiguous.模棱两可。/[A]ambiguous. 模棱两可的,有歧义的[C]compensatory.补偿的[D]misleading.
[A]harmful.[B]desirable.[C]profound. 深刻。[D]questionable.
[A]condemning. 谴责。[B]reaffirming. 重申。[C]dishonoring.[D]securing.确保
[A]disapproval.[B]appreciation./[B]Appreciative.[C]tolerance./[D]Tolerant. 宽容。[D]indifference. 冷漠。
[A]Critical./[A]severe criticism.[C]Contemptuous./[C]contempt. 轻蔑的。[D]cautiousness. 谨慎。[B]passive acceptance.[C]slight hesitancy.
[A]sarcastic. 讽刺的,嘲笑的,挖苦的[A]affirmation.申明。 [B]Objective.客观的,[C]Favourable. 有利的,适宜的;称赞的,赞成的;
[A] Relieved.[C] Concerned.[D] Encouraged.
Delta variant has rendered「渲染 宣布」 that goal even more obviously futile「无益的没有价值」.
Globally, these waves of infection will be dampened「缓冲」 by the collective immunity that runs through and around the remaining pockets of the immunologically naive.
His knack「本领」 for political stunts「表演」 has boosted his image, too
Several former associates have been arrested in recent weeks in connection with a sprawling「蔓延的」 corruption scandal「丑闻」 over property investments in Seongnam whose origins date back to his tenure as mayor.
In another post, a script coordinator writes that she had to produce pages during a rehearsal「彩排」 dinner for her own wedding.
The fact that American wage growth averaged 2.9% from 2015 to 2019 while average inflation stayed below 2% seemed a rare triumph「胜利」.
The recovery from the pandemic has brought about a startling change: prices and wages are both surging「高涨,冲击」.
The causes of higher prices are clear: rampant「猖獗的,无法控制的」 demand for goods has met bottlenecks in supply chains, and energy prices have soared「飙升」
Fear of the virus and the lingering「逗留不去」 effects of state support for household incomes could be keeping workers idle「空闲,懒散」.
Perhaps, though, as bank accounts run dry and the pandemic abates「减缓」, some slack「懒散」 will reappear in 2022, causing wage growth to slow.
Already, Latin American governments are being courted「法庭,庭院,献殷勤」 to take part in Mr Biden’s Build Back Better World partnership, an infrastructure-investment programme that is intended to counter「反方向地,对抗,柜台」 B’s Belt and Road Initiative.
This could help persuade「说服」 investors to take the plunge「投入」.
ACQUIRING A DRIVER’S licence in Delhi, India’s capital, requires a single 20-minute visit packing in a computerised exam and a brisk「轻快」, efficient road test
At 8.30am the following morning a courier「急差」 delivers the sleek「光滑」, chip-enabled new card.
Such tip-top government service can be found in other poor countries too, but only by paying a bribe「贿赂」.
No more need for smudged「弄脏的」 birth certificates, crumpled「皱褶的」 utility bills or rental「租金」 agreements.
because they are poor, illiterate「文盲的」, disabled, lack electricity, do not possess a smartphone or cannot connect to a mobile or Wi-Fi network.
After her husband died last year, she should have been entitled「给予」 to a widow’s pension「抚恤金」 and jobs programmes, among other things.
In a few tragic cases those who have lost access to subsidised「补助津贴」 food because they cannot link their old ration cards to new Aadhaar cards, or because fingerprint readers in remote towns do not work properly, have starved to death.
Recent surveys by Lokniti-CSDS, a polling group, show that four-fifths of Indian families use public food-supply schemes「计划,方案,阴谋」
There are gaping holes「空隙,空缺」 in other government schemes as well. India’s covid-19 vaccination campaign, launched in January, quickly sagged「下垂」, and not only because the government failed to order enough doses. Slots「名额,插槽」 for shots could be booked only via CoWin, an online service.
Yet whereas the government’s operating budget「预算案」 for anganwadis—meaning food and salaries—has stayed flat, its outlay「花费」 on tech has soared「骤然上升」. In its rush to become a modern, digital economy, India is leaving behind those who might benefit the most.
But even as the handful of other countries with “zero-covid” policies, including Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, move to relax them, B is holding out「坚持」.
by keeping people quarantined「检疫,隔离」 away from densely populated areas.
People flying into the city from outside the mainland will be whisked「鸡毛掸子,迅速移动」 there directly, instead of to normal hotels, for at least two weeks of confinement「限制,分娩」 and frequent testing. Even the medical staff may not leave the premises「建筑」.
an official tried to fire them up「鼓舞他们」 with a well-known term has hailed「开启」 its success in crushing the coronavirus as evidence of the superiority of B’s political system.
Foreign businesspeople in B certainly grumble「抱怨,嘟囔」.
a teacher was detained「拘留」 for 15 days.
THE STORY of the Trojan「特洛伊」 war, as told by Homer and related down the centuries, is one of intrigue「阴谋诡计」 and heroes.
Spectroscopic「分光镜谱」 analysis of sunlight reflected from these, and comparisons with chunks of space rock that have fallen to Earth as meteorites「陨星」
Output dropped by 7% in 2020, the steepest「陡峭的」 decline of any region.
because you’re a journalist you are not exempted from assassination「暗杀」
The bluntest「最圆钝的」 methods of silencing dissent「异见者」 are widely wielded「挥舞,使用」:
reports that in the past year efforts to control speech online escalated「升级」 in 30 of the 70 countries it monitors,
Many autocrats「独裁专制」 and would-be autocrats look with envy at
Some autocrats still believe that suspending internet services completely is a good way to stymie「阻挠」 critics
model is more sophisticated「老练的」.
inside the firewall to keep web users entertained, so it chafes「惹怒,擦伤」 less.
He says if authorities can now subdue「征服、抑制」 social media “the free flow of information will end.”
big social-media sites suspended Donald Trump’s account for inciting insurrection「煽动叛乱」.
… subsequently suffered an egregiously「惊人的,卓越的」 high death rate.
America’s annual inflation rate「通货膨胀率」 climbed again in September, to 5.4%, having dipped slightly in August.
Apple’s share price fell sharply amid speculation「在猜测」 that it would have to curtail「减少」 production of its new iPhone 13 during the coming months because of problems obtaining chips.
Most workers who jacked「抬高」 in their jobs were in the retail「零售」 and restaurant industries, suggesting that they are confident of finding better-paid employment.
After years of negotiations under the auspices「赞助,支持」 of the OECD, 136 countries agreed to introduce a global minimum corporate-tax rate of 15% and bring in new measures to force
in its attempt to rein「驾驭,统治」 in big tech, but the penalty「罚金」 was less than had been feared and its share price soared.
Influenza will afflict「使苦恼」 the elderly. Respiratory syncytial virus will make some children gravely ill.
The extreme transmissibility of the Delta variant has rendered「提出,渲染」 that goal even more obviously futile「没有价值」.
Britain, which ditched「丢弃」 its precautions「预防措施」 earlier than most other European countries, shows that covid can bear down on hospitals even in places with the benefit of high levels of vaccination .
The divide between vaccinated and unvaccinated is even starker「明显」 when it comes to death.
Globally, these waves of infection will be dampened「减缓,缓冲」 by the collective immunity that runs through and around the remaining pockets of the immunologically naive.
Covid is the first pandemic for which the cyclical tussle「周期性斗争」 between viral spread and evolution and developing immunity has been short-circuited so fast and on such a scale.
Over all this hangs the inevitability「不可避免的」 of the coronavirus’s continued evolution, and the question of its impact.
No matter what mutations SARS-CoV-2 picks up in future, endemic covid will not exist in a vacuum「真空」.
The road to the new normal could yet be very bumpy「颠簸,崎岖不平的」.
Hagia Sophia soaks up「沐浴,浸泡」 the morning sun.
Under the Montreux Convention, signed in 1936, civilian vessels「民用船只」 can pass through the Bosporus and the Dardanelles, the straits linking the Sea of Marmara and the Mediterranean, free of charge.
The logistical obstacles are immense「大量的」. To make room for the canal, the government would have to reconfigure Istanbul’s roads, its sewage system and its power and gas lines, says Mr Isik.
Without the convention, the Black Sea would turn into a “powder keg「火药桶」”, says Cem Gurdeniz, a retired admiral.
The canal may one day trigger a crisis in the Black Sea. But it will provoke「引起」 a political row「政治争执」 in Turkey long before that.
Recipients of the Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine may need a booster「加强剂量,加强免疫」 shot — and while they could benefit from a second dose of the original vaccine, they may derive even greater protection if the boost comes from a different vaccine technology, according to data that emerged Wednesday.
Morgan Stanley, a bank, reckons「计算、数」 that annual sales of hydrogen could be worth $600bn by 2050.
In that time the country had been an infuriating「惹人发怒的」 partner that had helped NATO forces with logistics and intelligence even as it provided a haven to the Taliban’s leaders. Now, perhaps America could wash its hands and walk away.
America and its allies have plenty of reasons to feel aggrieved「痛心」. Pakistan is perpetually sparring「反复的 拳击」 with its neighbour, India—which is steadily becoming a vital regional partner for the West.
If only. Although Pakistan is no longer so central to America’s plans, it is still a pivotal「关键的」—and worrying—place.t has a rapidly expanding arsenal「军武库」 of nuclear weapons.
The generals are too keen to have an ally against India, too eager for Chinese investment and too conscious of the West’s misgivings「疑虑,担忧」 to put all their eggs in one basket.
And after border scuffles in the Himalayas, Indians are coming to see that deterring「制止」 B is much more important than bickering「争吵」 with Pakistan.
Now that America has left Afghanistan, a bit of courtesy「礼貌,礼节」 makes sense.
The sustainability「持续性」 of the welfare state has become ever more doubtful as the reality of demographic change has been wilfully「蓄意地」 ignored.
Clean hydrogen is quite plausible「似乎是真的」.
a device that uses the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity without combustion「燃烧」, it produces nothing but water.
Guillaume Faury, the company’s boss, extolled「赞美」 its virtues: “Hydrogen has an energy density three times that of kerosene…[it] is made for aviation「航空」.”
Other Pakistanis see the end of the Western-sponsored regime「制度」 in Kabul as an ominous「预兆,不吉利的」 warning.
Mr Khan’s relentless「残酷无情的」 crusade against「讨伐」 allegedly「据说」 corrupt former officials, which included hounding the previous prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, out of the country, has proved more divisive「分裂,不和」 than popular, although it has succeeded in disrupting and weakening opposition parties.
FOR SEVERAL big reasons it is misleading「误导」, even morally indecent「道德上的下流」, when commentators assert that B is embarking「从事」 on a new CR. It is true that the Communist Party is today more visible and assertive「自信的」 than at any time since M’s death in 1976. After A became ChinBeader in 2012, he unblushingly「大方,自信」 re-emphasised the party’s authority over everything from the machinery of state and the armed forces to the judiciary「司法」, universities and news media.
It is also true that the rich and famous are under harsher scrutiny「审查」 than they have known for decades. Tycoons「首富」 and film stars have received painful reminders that they enjoy their success at the party’s pleasure. Some have lost fortunes or seen careers ended for defying「挑战」 B’s leaders, or for provoking public opinion with displays of swaggering「炫耀」 privilege. Others have hastened to donate money and time to patriotic causes. New rules ban effeminate「女性化的」 actors from television and curb how many hours youngsters spend on video games.
Officials call the practice superstitious「迷信」, a source of air pollution, a fire hazard「危险,风险」 and extravagant「铺张浪费」, scolding「指责」 citizens to spend money on caring for the old, not when burying them.
It is a daunting「令人止步」 to-do list.
The Biden administration’s treatment of Haitian migrants has outraged 「触怒」 many of his supporters, including members of his government.
While some Haitians were released into the United States to pursue asylum「寻求庇护」, thousands of others were expelled「驱逐」 without a clear explanation. They were flown back to Haiti, the last place any of them wanted to be and the last place able to receive them.
It’s the latest in a series of wrenching 「令人揪心的」decisions.
Nayou wasn’t interested in Nicko’s attempts to woo her when they first met in Colombia, and she pushed along without him. But his persistence and romantic overtures via messaging apps cultivated「栽培」 something more than a friendship.
Nayou was wary「小心,谨慎」 of the camera and of reporters.
Guesthouses「旅馆」 had no vacancies. 「空缺额」
An unprecedented[前所未有] number of first-time investigators have secured[确保,设法获得,使安全] viewing time on NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope in the years since the agency overhauled[大修] the application process to reduce systemic biases[系统偏见,误差].
mounting[装备,爬上,逐渐增加的] concerns have mobilised [动员] researchers.
Contrary to expectations, loneliness and concerns about the impacts of the pandemic drove most of the callers, rather than imminent threats [迫在眉睫的威胁] such as suicidal thoughts or abuse.
He led the NIH under three US presidents, steered[带领] it through a roiling[混乱,急流] pandemic, and faced myriad[无数的] clashes[冲突] over politics and biomedical science.
I’ve tried my darndest[最大的努力,最亲爱的?委婉说法] to stay out of any kind of political wrangling[争吵,争辩].
because I’d make every effort to make the information accessible and not get all tangled up[纠缠在一起] in a lot of jargon[行话,术语] and complicated words.
Do you think researchers have an obligation to[有义务] raise an alarm about work that crosses legal or ethical lines?
We’re working with our grantee institutions[授权机构], because it’s really their job to figure out what to do with their employees.
Such data have helped to sway[影响] health authorities that were cool to the idea of boosters for all.
immunizations with available shots today could help ward off [防止 ]a surge[汹涌,大浪] of Omicron infections.
If the variant does undermine[逐渐削弱] vaccine performance, extra protection against the virus might require four or more jabs, possibly with new vaccine formulations
Even if the body’s immune forces stays strong and vaccinated individuals remain shielded[隔离,保护] from the worst ravages of COVID-19,
All of this will take time. “I think the severity question will be one of the last bits that we’ll be able to untangle[解捆绑],” she says. “That’s how it happened with Delta.”
“the spearhead[先锋] for the unification of Europe”.
The idea of the common market was nebulous[模糊的]; the potential of nuclear energy was clear.
For Germany and its sceptic kin[亲戚], the technology is an unhealthy past.
Green industries face a life of subsidies[补贴] and cheap capital as governments tighten investment rules elsewhere.
With the Franco-German engine sputtering[气急败坏] on nuclear policy
generally see the region as an expensive appendage[附加物] and a source of labour that undercuts[削弱] French workers.
is not especially hegemonic[霸权,统治]
where the club is now enthusiastically dirigiste[统制], to expansive rhetoric[华而不实的] on foreign policy
that is much reduced in scope from what its backers originally envisaged[面对]
they are hyped[宣传,炒作] as the world’s last chance.
its pledges thus far are more about posturing[故作姿态] than substance.
It is a noble future that the fossil-fuel age, despite its illusory[虚假] plenty, could never have created.
SUDAN’S PATH to democracy has always been strewn with landmines[全是雷点]
All were scotched by men [戳穿]
In April 2019 it seized[夺取] power again.